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Task Assignment

The Core Team accepts tasks from the three different areas mentioned above, each following a specific procedure described below.


Please submit concrete tasks by following the instructions on our GitHub repository Tasks-Support . If you do not have access, please follow the instructions under How to get Access.

Requirements for Tasks

Tasks are one-​time assignments that typically involve the development of a new model feature, acceleration/optimisation of a model feature, or other technical improvements to a model. Tasks are proposed by one or more C2SM members and are approved by the C2SM Working Groups (WGs). In case of tasks from C2SM Member Groups, priority will be given to tasks with greater benefit to multiple C2SM groups. Tasks must be related to our supported tools and models.

Overview of current tasks

An overview of all submitted tasks can be found at the issues list of our Tasks-Support repository. The current task status of each WG is visible under the projects section.

Detailed task assignment

Task assignment depends on which area submitted it. This section describes terms, conditions and procedures in the three possible cases.

Tasks from C2SM Member Groups
  1. Submission: Tasks can be submitted as issues through our GitHub repository Tasks-Support at any time. The task proposal must include a description and goals of the task, a time estimate, a statement of urgency, the groups involved, and at least one contact person. It should also describe the benefit to C2SM. Please follow the instructions to Submit a Task .

  2. Evaluation: The Core Team will evaluate the proposals and may provide feedback/ask questions/reiterate the proposals to the groups. Priority will be given to tasks with greater benefit to multiple C2SM groups. Updates on the tasks will be directly given on the submitted task in the GitHub repository.

  3. Core Team starts working on task: Depending on the urgency or current workload of the Core Team, C2SM may begin to work on the task immediately or at a later point in time.

  4. Feedback and Discussion of Tasks: During the biannual WG Day, to which representatives of each C2SM member group are invited, the status and future of submitted tasks are discussed. Members can provide critical feedback on the process.

Tasks from Community Projects

Tasks are also taken from C2SM Community Projects. These are large, perennial, and joint research and/or development projects involving at least three C2SM groups and two different partner institutions, with a substantial financial volume. Their overall objective supports the implementation of one or more of the four pillars of C2SM. The project produces results that no single group could have produced on its own. Their results benefit a large majority of C2SM members. These projects receive significant support from C2SM core funding in the form of in-kind contributions from core staff.

Community Project Task Assignment Process

  • The C2SM Steering Committee (SC) discusses and recommends C2SM's involvement in a Community Project at the proposal stage. This includes a suggestion on the approximate number of FTEs to be reserved for the project;
  • The C2SM Executive Director (ED) forwards the information to the Core Team, and together with the responsible programmers evaluates the feasibility of the plans, taking into account all other ongoing activities and plans;
  • The ED forwards the information back to the SC;
  • The SC approves the plans and time allocated to the Community Project;
  • The C2SM Core Team reserves the FTEs assuming the project will be funded;
  • At the latest at the beginning of the project, the project steering group develops and formulates how it envisions the involvement of the Core Team and defines specific tasks. The tasks are submitted as a proposal to the C2SM ED and the involved programmers;
  • The ED and the responsible programmer(s) evaluate the tasks, provide feedback/clarification, and finally submit their proposal to the C2SM SC;
  • The SC approves the task list;
  • The task assignment from Community Projects is repeated regularly, at biannual or annual intervals, ideally 1-2 months before the biannual Working Group Day.

Current projects

Tasks from third-party Projects

As outlined in C2SM's business plan for 2021-25 , the Executive Office also relies on funding from third-party projects. We are therefore happy to contribute to the research projects of our members (e.g., SNF, EU, ETH) in our fields of expertise.

Third-Party Projects that Benefit Multiple C2SM Groups

These can be projects of individual C2SM members as PI, possibly together with other co-PIs from the community, funding individual tasks of core team programmers. These projects will be supported in particular if the results will benefit several C2SM groups.

Third-Party Projects with Benefits to the PI Only

A member may also propose a task/tasks to be funded from their project, but where the benefit is limited to their group. These proposals will be realised if C2SM capacity is available. However, they will have a lower priority than projects with a greater benefit to the community.

Current projects

Task Portfolio

The core team's contributions consist largely of technical model development and support tasks. Individual tasks may also include setting up and maintaining a project website, or organising individual workshops or seminar series.

Procedure for Proposing Participation in a Third-Party Project

  • The project PI contacts the C2SM Executive Director (ED) at the proposal stage by submitting a written proposal similar to the task proposals for group tasks;
  • The ED, along with an assigned Core Team member, will provide feedback to the PI and may review the proposal again;
  • If the proposal meets the above conditions, C2SM will consider it accepted and reserve time for its execution in the following year;
  • C2SM will reserve approximately 3-7 person months (0.3-0.6 FTE) per year for tasks from external projects.