Source code for jobs.post_int2lm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os
import glob
import netCDF4 as nc

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from . import tools, prepare_cosmo


[docs]def main(cfg): """Combine multiple **int2lm** tracer-output files into a single one for **COSMO**. Only necessary for **COSMO** simulations. **int2lm** puts tracers into different netCDF files. Combine the files specified in ``cfg.post_int2lm_species`` into a single netCDF file for **COSMO**. If ``cfg.spinup`` and ``cfg.post_int2lm_species_spinup`` are present, also read in the specified variables and take them as an input for **COSMO**. Parameters ---------- cfg : Config Object holding all user-configuration parameters as attributes. """ prepare_cosmo.set_cfg_variables(cfg) tools.change_logfile(cfg.logfile) # Int2lm processing always starts at hstart=0, thus modifying inidate inidate_int2lm_yyyymmddhh = cfg.startdate_sim_yyyymmddhh chem_list = cfg.post_int2lm['species'] date = to_print = """POST_INT2LM ===================================================== ============== POST PROCESSING BEGINS =============== ============== StartTime: %s =====================================================""" % date.strftime('%s') 'BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Adding tracers from lbfd* files to regular int2lm files.' ) # Add background tracers in all 'lbfd**' files to # normal lbfd files, because CAMS tracers are only every 3 hours. # We add it 4 times to hour-1, hour+0, hour+1 and hour+2 for f in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.int2lm_output, 'lbfd*'))):'Reading tracer file {f}') yyyymmddhh_str = os.path.basename(f)[4:-4] yyyymmddhh = datetime.strptime(yyyymmddhh_str, '%Y%m%d%H') yyyymmddhh_prev = yyyymmddhh - timedelta(hours=1) yyyymmddhh_next2 = yyyymmddhh + timedelta(hours=2) for hour in tools.iter_hours(yyyymmddhh_prev, yyyymmddhh_next2, 1): outfile = os.path.join(cfg.int2lm_output, hour.strftime('lbfd%Y%m%d%H' + '.nc')) if os.path.exists(outfile): with nc.Dataset(outfile, 'a') as outf, nc.Dataset(f) as inf: for chem in chem_list: try: outf.createVariable(chem, inf[chem].dtype, inf[chem].dimensions) for attr in inf[chem].ncattrs(): outf[chem].setncattr(attr, inf[chem].getncattr(attr))'Variable {chem} added to {outfile}') except RuntimeError: logging.warning( 'Variable {} already present in {}'.format( chem, outfile)) outf[chem][:] = inf[chem][:]"OK") # Meteo spinup simulation with tracer recycling if hasattr(cfg, 'spinup') and \ cfg.post_int2lm.get('species_spinup') is not None and not cfg.first_one: var_list = cfg.post_int2lm['species_spinup'] 'INITIAL CONDITIONS (RECYCLING): Adding tracers %s from last COSMO run (%s) to regular int2lm files.' % (str(var_list), cfg.last_cosmo_output)) infile_name = 'lffd' + cfg.startdate_sim_yyyymmddhh + '*.nc' infile_paths = sorted( glob.glob(os.path.join(cfg.last_cosmo_output, infile_name))) outfile_name = 'laf' + inidate_int2lm_yyyymmddhh + '.nc' outfile_path = os.path.join(cfg.int2lm_output, outfile_name) for infile_path in infile_paths: with nc.Dataset(infile_path) as inf, nc.Dataset(outfile_path, 'a') as outf: for var in var_list: if var in inf.variables.keys(): if var in outf.variables.keys(): logging.warning( 'Recycling: Variable {} already present in {}'. format(var, outfile_path)) else: outf.createVariable(varname=var, datatype=inf[var].dtype, dimensions=inf[var].dimensions)'Recycled variable ' + var + ' from ' + infile_path)'into ' + outfile_path) outf[var][:] = inf[var][:] for attr in inf[var].ncattrs(): outf[var].setncattr(attr, inf[var].getncattr(attr)) # Normal run else: 'INITIAL CONDITIONS: Adding tracers from laf* files to regular int2lm files.' ) infile = os.path.join(cfg.int2lm_output, "laf" + inidate_int2lm_yyyymmddhh + "") if os.path.exists(infile): outfile = infile[:-4] + ".nc" try: with nc.Dataset(infile) as inf, nc.Dataset(outfile, "a") as outf: for chem in chem_list: if chem in outf.variables.keys(): logging.warning( 'Variable %s already present in file %s' % (chem, outfile)) else: outf.createVariable(chem, inf[chem].dtype, inf[chem].dimensions) outf[chem][:] = inf[chem][:] for attr in inf[chem].ncattrs(): outf[chem].setncattr(attr, inf[chem].getncattr(attr)) 'Variable %s added as initial condition.' % chem) except: logging.error( 'Appending tracers %s from file %s to file %s failed.' % (str(chem_list), infile, outfile)) date = to_print = """===================================================== ============== POST PROCESSING ENDS ================== ============== EndTime: %s =====================================================""" % date.strftime('%s')