Source code for jobs.icon

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from . import tools, prepare_icon


[docs]def main(cfg): """Setup the namelists for an ICON run and submit the job to the queue. Copy the ICON-executable from ``cfg.icon_binary_file`` to ``cfg.icon_work/icon.exe``. Format the ICON-namelist-templates: ``icon_master.namelist.cfg, icon_NAMELIST_NWP.cfg``, using the information in ``cfg``. Format the runscript-template and submit the job. Parameters ---------- cfg : Config Object holding all user-configuration parameters as attributes. """ prepare_icon.set_cfg_variables(cfg) tools.change_logfile(cfg.logfile)"Setup the namelist for an ICON run and " "submit the job to the queue") # Copy icon executable cfg.icon_execname = Path(cfg.icon['binary_file']).name tools.create_dir(cfg.icon_work, "icon_work") tools.copy_file(cfg.icon_binary_file, cfg.icon_work / cfg.icon_execname) # Symlink the restart file to the last run into the icon/run folder if cfg.lrestart == '.TRUE.': tools.symlink_file(cfg.restart_file, cfg.restart_file_scratch) # Get name of initial file if hasattr(cfg, 'inicond_filename'): inidata_filename = cfg.icon_input_icbc / cfg.inicond_filename else: inidata_filename = cfg.icon_input_icbc / str( cfg.startdate_sim.strftime(cfg.meteo['prefix'] + cfg.meteo['nameformat']) + '.nc') # Write run script (run_icon.job) template = (cfg.case_path / cfg.icon_runjob_filename).read_text() script_str = template.format(cfg=cfg, inidata_filename=inidata_filename) script = (cfg.icon_work / 'run_icon.job') script.write_text(script_str) # Submit run script cfg.submit('icon', script)