ICON-CLM Workflow¶
SPICE is a software created by the CLM community and serves as a processing chain / workflow tool tailored for ICON-CLM simulations.
For a comprehensive overview about SPICE, please consider reading the official docs .
It is assumed that the uenvs for ICON and pre-/postprocessing are in place. For that, the following has to be executed once:
uenv repo create
uenv image pull icon-wcp/v1:rc4
uenv image pull netcdf-tools/2024:v1
Be sure that CLUSTER_NAME=todi
is not present anywhere (e.g. in your ~/.bashrc
) as it is not needed anymore.
The two uenvs we need are available on santis.
For more information about uenvs, see here .
Load the netcdf-tools
uenv start --view=modules netcdf-tools/2024:v1
Get latest version v2.3¶
Choose from either option 1), 2) or 3) from below. Use option 1) if you are a C2SM community member. Note that for option 2) one needs access to the SPICE repository on gitlab.dkrz.de, which can be requested via the CLM community. Option 3 will always work since this is the public release.
1) Clone from C2SM GitHub¶
Clone SPICE v2.3 with the corresponding branch/tag:
git clone -b v2.3 git@github.com:C2SM/spice.git spice
cd spice
2) Clone from gitlab.dkrz.de¶
Clone SPICE v2.3 with the corresponding branch/tag:
git clone -b v2.3 git@gitlab.dkrz.de:clm-community/spice.git spice
cd spice
3) Download official release from Zenodo¶
Download SPICE v2.3 from Zenodo :
wget https://zenodo.org/records/10047046/files/spice-v2.3.tar.gz?download=1 -O spice-v2.3.tar.gz
tar -xvzf spice-v2.3.tar.gz
cd spice-v2.3
Alps is officially supported in SPICE v2.3 and can be configured in the following way:
All scripts in test/cscs-alps/scripts
are wrapper scripts to facilitate the build
and configure process on Alps. If something should be done in a different way,
check the contents of the scripts and modify them accordingly or configure and
build the software manually according to the
SPICE Docs .
Get external data¶
The standard SPICE configuration needs ERAInterim or ERA5 data and initial and boundary conditions. This is originally provided on Levante@DKRZ. For Alps, the data is also synced to this destination:
For reference, check the information about ERA5 and ERAInterim datasets.
Additionally, external parameters on the ICON grids (44 km and 11 km available) and supplemental data for the radiation module (e.g. greenhouse gas time series) are provided by DKRZ. This data needs to be downloaded:
The data is then available under data/rcm
Clone and build ICON¶
First, we will clone the official ICON release 2024.07:
./test/cscs-alps/scripts/clone-icon.sh icon-model
The positional parameter icon-model
ensures that the official release is pulled.
If omitted, the latest version of icon-nwp
(requires access and an SSH key to
https://gitlab.dkrz.de ) is used.
The GPU version of ICON v2024.07 does not contain all namelist features for the
ICON-CLM setup. Hence, we apply a patch with the missing GPU ports .
This is already part of the clone-icon.sh
Before we can build ICON, we need to set up our spack instance:
./test/cscs-alps/scripts/setup-spack.sh icon-model
Now, switch to another terminal to build ICON using the corresponding uenv:
uenv start icon-wcp/v1:rc4
./test/cscs-alps/scripts/build-icon.sh gpu icon-model
Afterwards, go back to your original terminal containing the
Creating ERA5-driven 12 km case¶
From the SPICE root directory, let's create an experiment folder and
copy the sp001
case in there. If you want a different name for your
experiment, just modify the EXP
The sp001
is the standard gcm2icon
test case defined in SPICE.
It is run on the EURO-CORDEX domain at 44 km horizontal resolution
and uses ERAInterim data as initial and boundary conditions.
If you want to run this case, skip the next subsections and continue
with Install Python virtual environment.
mkdir -p ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments
cp -r ${SPICE_DIR}/chain/gcm2icon/sp001 ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments
mv ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/sp001 ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}
Navigate to the directory where our new case is located:
cd ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}
Adjust boundary data to ERA5¶
Since the standard spice case sp001
takes ERAInterim data as input,
we need to replace this with ERA5.
# Extract lines 17-23 from the source file
source_lines=$(sed -n '17,23p' ${SPICE_DIR}/chain/boundary_data_options/era5/job_settings)
# Define job_settings_file
# Replace lines 165-173 in the target file with the extracted lines
sed -i '165,173d' ${job_settings_file}
while IFS= read -r line; do
sed -i "${line_num}i $line" ${job_settings_file}
line_num=$((line_num + 1))
done <<< "$source_lines"
# Replace DKRZ data folder with Alps one
sed -i 's|/pool/data/CLMcom/CCLM/reanalyses|/capstor/store/cscs/c2sm/c2sme/reanalyses_dkrz|g' ${job_settings_file}
We also need to replace the prep
job. This is simply done by copying
the corresponding file from the boundary data options to our working
cp -v ${SPICE_DIR}/chain/boundary_data_options/era5/prep.job.sh ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}/scripts
Adapt job_settings
file and fix ICON run script¶
Now, there are still some necessary adaptations to the job_settings
file to be done,
which includes changing paths, ICON executable, meta data and some other settings.
# General settings
sed -i "s|icon-nwp|icon-model|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|nco-5.1.9-7pd2hhq2wllvietf2rvclejzxgcjwosq|nco-5.1.9-yykwws3dmcypjzraijgzagmkb6ml2zzo|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|netcdf-c-4.9.2-azccejv4b3ba227zys3e7mkdo6fxxhlq|netcdf-c-4.9.2-5ijnfossknlii33dnqn7asnlmzst3444|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|netcdf-tools/2024:v1-rc1|netcdf-tools/2024:v1|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|EMAIL_ADDRESS= |EMAIL_ADDRESS=michael.jaehn@c2sm.ethz.ch |g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|sp001|${EXP}|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|PFDIR=\${SPDIR}/chain/gcm2icon|PFDIR=\${SPDIR}/experiments|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|WORKDIR=\${SPDIR}/chain|WORKDIR=\${SPDIR}/experiments/work|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|SCRATCHDIR=\${SPDIR}/chain|SCRATCHDIR=\${SPDIR}/experiments/scratch|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|1979-01-01|1950-01-01|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|1979-03-01|2024-01-01|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|europe044|europe011|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|0.44|0.11|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|TIME_ICON=00-00:30:00|TIME_ICON=00-01:00:00|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|TIME_ARCH=\"00-00:30:00\"|TIME_ARCH=\"00-01:00:00\"|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|ITYPE_TS=1|ITYPE_TS=2|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|ITYPE_COMPRESS_POST=0|ITYPE_COMPRESS_POST=1|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i "s|ITYPE_COMPRESS_ARCH=0|ITYPE_COMPRESS_ARCH=1|g" ${job_settings_file}
sed -i '/ZML_SOIL/c\ZML_SOIL="0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5" # soil level' ${job_settings_file}
For better readability, the following replacements are done:
General settings:
Original String | Replacement String | Description |
icon-nwp |
icon-model |
Root directory of ICON model |
nco-5.1.9-7pd2hhq2wllvietf2rvclejzxgcjwosq |
nco-5.1.9-yykwws3dmcypjzraijgzagmkb6ml2zzo |
New nco path due to uenv |
netcdf-c-4.9.2-azccejv4b3ba227zys3e7mkdo6fxxhlq |
netcdf-c-4.9.2-5ijnfossknlii33dnqn7asnlmzst3444 |
New netcdf path due to uenv |
netcdf-tools/2024:v1-rc1 |
netcdf-tools/2024:v1 |
New uenv on santis |
EMAIL_ADDRESS=michael.jaehn@c2sm.ethz.ch |
Add email address for notifications |
Original String | Replacement String | Description |
sp001 |
Name of the experiment |
PFDIR=${SPDIR}/chain/gcm2icon |
PFDIR=${SPDIR}/experiments |
Base directory of experiment |
WORKDIR=${SPDIR}/chain |
WORKDIR=${SPDIR}/experiments/work |
Working directory of experiment |
SCRATCHDIR=${SPDIR}/experiments/scratch |
Scratch directory of experiment |
1979-01-01 |
1950-01-01 |
Start date |
1979-03-01 |
2024-01-01 |
End date |
europe044 |
europe011 |
Folder names for ERA5 data |
0.44 |
0.11 |
netCDF metadata for 11 km run |
TIME_ICON=00-00:30:00 |
TIME_ICON=00-01:00:00 |
Increase walltime for icon job |
TIME_ARCH="00-00:30:00" |
TIME_ARCH="00-01:00:00" |
Increase walltime for arch job |
Yearly time series |
netCDF compression for post data |
netCDF compression for arch data |
${ICONDIR}/run |
bash ${ICONDIR}/run |
Explicitly call bash for the wrapper script |
ZML_SOIL=... |
New soil height values |
There might be even more changes to the job_settings
file, depending on your setup.
For example, your CSCS project needs to be set for the PROJECT_ACCOUNT
Also, for production runs, all variables starting with GA_
should be set accordingly,
as they are important for the netCDF meta data.
Furthermore, additional data paths for transient aerosols, ozone and solar irradiation need to be set.
sed -i '/^TARGET_GRID=/a \
# Additional directories for aerosol treatment\
# Additional directory for ozone treatment\
# Additional directory for solar irradiation\
SOLAR_DIR=${DATADIR_AERO}/independent/solar_radiation\n' ${job_settings_file}
Changing the ICON namelist to match the official CLM configuration¶
The official setup can be copied from our icon-clm_patch
repository, which should already
be present in ${SPICE_DIR}/src
This also includes a change for the ICON run script around the srun
cp -v ${SPICE_DIR}/src/icon-clm_patch/icon.job.sh ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}/scripts
cp -v ${SPICE_DIR}/src/icon-clm_patch/post.job.sh ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}/scripts
Optional: Warm start run for official ICON-CLM EVAL run¶
Replace the ICON run script:
cp -v ${SPICE_DIR}/src/icon-clm_patch/icon-warm.job.sh ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/${EXP}/scripts/icon.job.sh
It takes the restart file directory (1950/01):
Install Python virtual environment¶
Some scripts in SPICE use Python. For that, some dependencies have to be installed.
Step 1: Download and Install Miniforge
wget https://github.com/conda-forge/miniforge/releases/latest/download/Miniforge3-Linux-aarch64.sh
bash Miniforge3-Linux-aarch64.sh
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate
Step 2: Create a conda virtual environment
conda create --prefix ${SPICE_DIR}/venv python=3.12 -y
conda activate ${SPICE_DIR}/venv
Step 3: Create requirements.txt
echo -e "xarray\npandas\nnumpy\scipy\h5netcdf" > requirements.txt
Step 4: Install dependencies using conda or pip
Option 1: Install with Conda
conda install --file requirements.txt -y
Option 2: Install with Pip
Ensure pip is installed:
conda install pip -y
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Verify installation
${SPICE_DIR}/venv/bin/python -c "import xarray; import pandas; import numpy; import scipy; import h5netcdf; print('All modules imported successfully!')"
Step 6: Using the environment
Activate the environment:
conda activate ${SPICE_DIR}/venv
Step 7: Explicitly set your Python version
Set your python version in job_settings
Now your Python environment for SPICE is ready to go! 🚀
Run the case¶
Start the simulation chain with
./subchain start
Whenever ./subchain
is called, be sure that the netcdf-tools/2024:v1
uenv is activated.
The file chain_status.log
can be inspected at any time and shows the current
state of the SPICE chain. It contains information about started and finished
Log files¶
Job log files are located at ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/work/${EXP}/joblogs
Job output files are located at ${SPICE_DIR}/experiments/work/${EXP}/joboutputs
Restarting the chain¶
- Inspect
to see which job failed. - Fix the cause of the problem (e.g., increase walltime for corresponding job in
). - Check if
corresponds to the current chunk. - Restart the chain by typing
./subchain <jobname>
. If the ICON job failed, use./subchain icon noprep
EvaSuite is an addon for SPICE but also a standalone software for either
- Compare your simulation experiment with E-OBS or ERA5.
- Compare your simulation experiment and a reference simulation with E-OBS or ERA5.
How to use¶
So far, EvaSuite is not tested on Alps. This will be done once the evaluation run has been started. More information will follow shortly.
- Install
- Usage
EURO-CORDEX high-resolution (km-scale)¶
This will be Phase 2 of the ICON-CLM use case (EXCLAIM). Andreas Prein has the scientific lead here.