
iconarray.backend.grid.open_dataset(file, variable=None, decode_cf=True, decode_coords='all', decode_times=True, backend_kwargs=None, **kwargs)#

Open either NETCDF or GRIB file.

Returning either an xarray.Dataset, or a list of xarray.Datasets if the data in the GRIB file cannot be represented as a single hypercube (see ecmwf/cfgrib for more info)

  • file (Path) – Path to ICON data file, either NETCDF of GRIB format.

  • variable (str, optional) – Name of variable to return from filtered dataset. Defaults to None.

  • decode_cf (bool, optional) – Whether to decode these variables, assuming they were saved according to CF conventions. Defaults to True.

  • decode_coords (bool or {"coordinates", "all"}, optional) – Controls which variables are set as coordinate variables (see xarray documentation for open_dataset). Defaults to “all”.

  • decode_times (bool, optional) – If True, decode times encoded in the standard NetCDF datetime format into datetime objects. Otherwise, leave them encoded as numbers. Defaults to True.

  • backend_kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments passed on to cfgrib.

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments passed on to the xarray engine open function.


ds (xarray.Dataset or List(xarray.Datasets))


TypeError – If datatype is neither identified as GRIB or NETCDF.

See also
