
The grid module contains functions relating to the grid information for ICON data, such as merging ICON data with the grid data to provide one merged dataset.


add_cell_data(ds, grid)

Add clon, clat, clon_bnds, and clat_bnds coordinates from the grid file to the dataset.

add_edge_data(ds, grid)

Add elon, elat, elon_bnds, and elat_bnds and other edge related coordinates from the grid file to the dataset.


Check consistency of the cell->cell connectivity.


Check consistency of the cell->vertex connectivity.


Check if grid information is available in file.


Check consistency of the vertex->cell connectivity.

combine_grid_information(file, grid_file)

Combine grid information.

filter_by_var(dataset, variable)

Filter dataset to single variable dataset.

get_cell_dim_name(ds, grid)

Get name of dimension in ICON data xarray dataset which identifies the cell dimension.

get_edge_dim_name(ds, grid)

Get name of dimension in ICON data xarray dataset which identifies the edge dimension.


Get name of time coordinate in xarray dataset which has attribute standard_name = 'time' and datatype of datetime.


Perform consistency check of the grid.

open_dataset(file[, variable, decode_cf, ...])

Open either NETCDF or GRIB file.


Show available shortNames of data within a GRIB file, which can be used to filter a dataset when opening a GRIB file.


WrongGridException(grid[, message])

Indicate wrong grid provided to be merged with ICON data.