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Namelist Input

EXTPAR uses 3 types of namelists in order to determine in which way data is processed.

  • Fortran namelists (INPUT_)
  • Python dictionaries (input_in
  • Fortran namelists written by Python scripts

Whereas for the Fortran namelists and the Python dictionaries the user can specify parameters and filenames, the Fortran namelists generated during runtime by the Python scripts do not allow any user interaction.

Namelist files

Namelist file Purpose Made by script Used by program
INPUT_grid_org define target grid type runscript extpar_consistency_check, extpar_aot_to_buffer, extpar_landuse_to_buffer, extpar_topo_to_buffer, extpar_cru_to_buffer, extpar_ndvi_to_buffer, extpar_soil_to_buffer, extpar_flake_to_buffer, extpar_isa_to_buffer, extpar_ahf_to_buffer, extpar_emiss_to_buffer, extpar_hwsdART_to_buffer
INPUT_COSMO_GRID define target domain for COSMO grid runscript extpar_consistency_check, extpar_aot_to_buffer, extpar_landuse_to_buffer, extpar_topo_to_buffer, extpar_cru_to_buffer, extpar_ndvi_to_buffer, extpar_soil_to_buffer, extpar_flake_to_buffer, extpar_isa_to_buffer, extpar_ahf_to_buffer, extpar_emiss_to_buffer, extpar_hwsdART_to_buffer
INPUT_ICON_GRID define target domain for ICON grid runscript extpar_consistency_check, extpar_aot_to_buffer, extpar_landuse_to_buffer, extpar_topo_to_buffer, extpar_cru_to_buffer, extpar_ndvi_to_buffer, extpar_soil_to_buffer, extpar_flake_to_buffer, extpar_isa_to_buffer, extpar_ahf_to_buffer, extpar_emiss_to_buffer
INPUT_ORO settings for orography data runscript extpar_topo_to_buffer
INPUT_OROSMOOTH settings for orography smoothing runscript extpar_topo_to_buffer
INPUT_RADTOPO settings for generating topographical shading fields runscript extpar_topo_to_buffer
INPUT_SCALE_SEP settings to control scale separation for SSO an Z0 calculation runscript extpar_topo_to_buffer
INPUT_LU settings for landuse data runscript extpar_landuse_to_buffer
INPUT_AOT settings for aerosol data runscript extpar_aot_to_buffer
INPUT_TCLIM settings for temperature data extpar_cru_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_NDVI settings for NDVI data extpar_ndvi_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_SOIL settings for soil data runscript extpar_soil_to_buffer
INPUT_FLAKE settings for lake data runscript extpar_flake_to_buffer
INPUT_ALB settings for albedo data extpar_albedo_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_ISA settings for fraction of impervious surface area data extpar_isa_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_AHF settings for anthropogenic heat flux data extpar_ahf_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_EMISS settings for emissivity data extpar_emiss_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_hwsdART settings for HWSD USDA data extpar_hwsdART_to_buffer
INPUT_edgar settings for EDGAR data extpar_edgar_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_CDNC settings for cdnc data extpar_cdnc_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_ERA settings for ERA data extpar_era_to_buffer extpar_consistency_check
INPUT_CHECK settings for the consistency check runscript extpar_consistency_check

Grid Definition

The specification of the model type (COSMO or ICON) is done in the namelist file INPUT_grid_org, the detailed target grid description for the model domain has to be provided in the namelists files INPUT_COSMO_GRID or INPUT_ICON_GRID.


NAMELIST /grid_def/ (INPUT_grid_org)

The namelist /grid_def/ defines the target grid type and the filenames with the namelists of the detailed target grid definition.

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
igrid_type integer target grid type, 1 for ICON, 2 for COSMO
domain_def_namelist character namelist file with domain definition
domain_refinement character namelist file with domain refinement definition (e.g. for the ICON grid)


NAMELIST /icon_grid_info/ (INPUT_ICON_GRID)

The namelist /icon_grid_info/ specifies the filenames and the directory of the Icon grid files with the coordinates of the Icon grid.

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
icon_grid_dir character path to directory which contains the ICON grid file with the coordinates
icon_grid_nc_file character (max_dom) filename of the ICON grid file with the coordinates



The COSMO grid is defined by a rotated latlon-grid.

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
pollon real -170. deg longitude of the rotated north pole (in degrees, \(E>0\))
pollat real 32.5 deg latitude of the rotated north pole (in degrees, \(N>0\))
polgam real 0. deg longitude (in the rotated system) of the geographical north pole
dlon real 0.08 deg grid point distance in zonal direction (in degrees)
dlat real 0.08 deg grid point distance in meridional direction (in degrees)
startlon_tot real -1.252 deg transformed longitude of the lower left grid point of the total domain (in degrees, \(E>0\))
startlat_tot real -7.972 deg transformed latitude of the lower left grid point of the total domain (in degrees, \(N>0\))
ie_tot integer 51 number of grid points in zonal direction
je_tot integer 51 number of grid points in meridional direction
ke_tot integer 0 number of grid points in vertical direction


NAMELIST /oro_runcontrol/ (INPUT_ORO)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lcompute_sgsl logical .false. switch to activate subgrid-slope calculation

NAMELIST /orography_raw_data/ (INPUT_ORO)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
itopo_type integer switch to choose an orography raw data set; 1 GLOBE, 2 ASTER, 3 MERIT/REMA
lsso_param logical switch to choose if SSO parameters should be generated or not
raw_data_orography_path character path to orography raw data
ntiles_column integer GLOBE: 4 ASTER, MERIT/REMA: x number of tile columns of desired region
ntiles_row integer GLOBE: 4 ASTER, MERIT/REMA: x number of tile rows of desired region
topo_files character filenames of GLOBE (16 tiles) / ASTER (240 tiles)/ MERIT/REMA (72 tiles) raw data sets
lsubtract_mean_slope logical .FALSE. for operational NWP-ICON treatment of mean slope in computation of SSO parameters for ICON

NAMELIST /orography_io_extpar/ (INPUT_ORO)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
orography_buffer_file character name for orography buffer file
orography_output_file character name for orography output file

NAMELIST /sgsl_io_extpar/ (INPUT_ORO)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lpreproc_oro logical .false. read S_ORO from existing NetCDF (.false.) or preprocess from raw topography datasets (.true.)
sgsl_files character filenames of raw data tiles to be used S_ORO_A10 to S_ORO_P10 (GLOBE) or S_ORO_T001 to S_ORO_T240

NAMELIST /orography_smoothing/ (INPUT_OROSMOOTH)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lfilter_oro logical FALSE Cosmo-only: switch for orogaphy smoothing
ilow_pass_oro integer 0 type of orogaphy smoothing and stencil width
numfilt_oro integer 1 number of filter applications
eps_filter real 10 smoothing parameter ("strength" of the filtering)
ifill_valley integer 1 fill valleys before or after oro smoothing (1: before, 2: after)
rfill_valley real 0 m mask for valley filling (threshold value)
ilow_pass_xso integer 1 type of orogaphy eXtra SmOothing and stencil width (for steep orography)
numfilt_xso integer 1 number of applications of the eXtra filter
lxso_first logical FALSE eXtra SmOothing before or after orography smoothing (TRUE/FALSE)
rxso_mask real 0 m mask for eXtra SmOothing (threshold value)


Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lradtopo logical Switch for radiation corrected topography parameters. Not recommended to use if orographical smoothing is false and smoothing is performed in Int2lm later, because of resulting inconsistencies.
nhori integer 24 Number of horizon angles
radius integer 40000 m Icon-only: Radial distance considered for computation of horizon
min_circ_cov integer 1 - Icon-only: Number of gridcells to be skipped at circumference of circle. A value of 1 considers all points, whereas a value of 5 only consider every fifth point at the circumference. Note that the effect of this switch is dependent on the resolution of the grid as well on the radius choosen.
max_missing real 0.9 - Icon-only: Upper limit for fraction of missingness for the horizon parameter. Grid-cells with values above will be set to 0.
itype_scaling integer 2 - Icon-only: Power of the caling factor SIN(horizon-angle) applied to the geometric skyview factor to account for the anisotropic nature of longwave radiation.

NAMELIST /scale_separated_raw_data/ (INPUT_SCALE_SEP)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lscale_separation logical Switch for scale separation. It can only be used in combination with GLOBE as raw data set.
raw_data_scale_sep_path character path to 3 km filtered topography
scale_sep_files character filename of 3 km filtered topography

Land Use Data

NAMELIST /lu_raw_data/ (INPUT_LU)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_lu_path character path to land use data
raw_data_lu_filename character filename of land use raw data
i_landuse_data integer switch to choose a land use raw data set: 1 Globcover2009, 2 GLC2000, 3 GLCC, 5 ESA CCI-LC, 6 Ecoclimap-SG
l_use_corine logical .false. switch to use Corine land use dataset; only possible if i_landuse_data = 1
ilookup_table_lu integer switch to choose a lookup table:
- GLC2000 and GLCC:
1: operational settings of GME (Ritter, 2007)
2: operational settings of COSMO (Heise, 2005)
3: experimental setting, analogous to lookup tables of ECOCLIMAP (Asensio 2010)
1: operational settings (Asensio, 2011)
2: experimental settings, analogous to lookup tables of ECOCLIMAP (Asensio 2010)
1: experimental settings (Helmert, 2019)
- Ecoclimap-SG:
1: Globcover analogue with added LCZs from Oke
ntiles_globcover integer 6 number of tiles for GLOBCOVER data
ncolumn_tiles integer number of columns in tile matrix
l_terra_urb logical .false. switch to use TERRA-URB (see TERRA-URB); only possible if i_landuse_data = 6

NAMELIST /glcc_raw_data/ (INPUT_LU)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_glcc_path character path to GLCC data
raw_data_glcc_filename character filename of GLCC raw data
ilookup_table_glcc integer switch to choose a lookup table:
1: operational settings of GME (Ritter, 2007)
2: operational settings of COSMO (Heise, 2005)
3: experimental setting, analogous to lookup tables of ECOCLIMAP (Asensio 2010)

NAMELIST /glcc_io_extpar/ (INPUT_LU)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
glcc_buffer_file character name for GLCC buffer file

Aerosol Optical Depth

NAMELIST /aerosol_raw_data/ (INPUT_AOT)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_aot_path character path to aerosol raw data
raw_data_aot_filename character filename of aerosol raw data
iaot_type integer 1 index to specify AOD raw data set: 1:Tegen, 2:AeroCom, 3:MACC-II, 4:MACv2, 5:CAMS

NAMELIST /aerosol_io_extpar/ (INPUT_AOT)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
aot_buffer_file character name for aerosol buffer file

Climatological 2m Temperature

DICT input_tclim (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_t_clim_path character path to T2m climatology data
raw_data_t_clim_coarse character filename of coarse T2m climatology data
raw_data_t_clim_fine character filename of fine T2m climatology data
it_cl_type integer switch to choose between the new and fine (1) and the old and coarse over sea and the fine over land (2) raw data set. Note that the fine data set (1) is topographically corrected.
t_clim_buffer_file character name for T_clim buffer file


DICT input_ndvi (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_ndvi_path character Path to NDVI raw data
raw_data_ndvi_filename character Filename of NDVI raw data
ndvi_buffer_file character Name for NDVI buffer file


DICT input_edgar (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_edgar_path character Path to EDGAR raw data
raw_data_edgar_filename_bc character Filename of EDGAR black carbon raw data
raw_data_edgar_filename_oc character Filename of EDGAR organic carbon raw data
raw_data_edgar_filename_so2 character Filename of EDGAR sulfur dioxide raw data
raw_data_edgar_filename_nh3 character Filename of EDGAR ammonia raw data
raw_data_edgar_filename_nox character Filename of EDGAR nitrogen oxides raw data


DICT input_cdnc (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_cdnc_path character Path to CDNC raw data
raw_data_cdnc_filename character Filename of CDNC raw data

hwsdART Data

NAMELIST /hwsdART_nml/ (INPUT_hwsdART)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_hwsdART_path character Path to hwsdART raw data
raw_data_hwsdART_filename character Filename of hwsdART raw data
hwsdART_output_file character Name for hwsdART output file

Soil Data

NAMELIST /soil_raw_data/ (INPUT_SOIL)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
isoil_data integer Switch to choose between raw soil data, 1: FAO, 2: HWSD, 3: HWSD with terra mapping
ldeep_soil logical Switch for deep soil, set to .TRUE. if using HWSD data
raw_data_soil_path character Path to soil raw data
raw_data_soil_filename character Filename of soil raw data
raw_data_deep_soil_filename character Filename of deep soil raw data

NAMELIST /soil_io_extpar/ (INPUT_SOIL)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
soil_buffer_file character Name for soil buffer file
soil_buffer_file_consistent character Name for soil buffer file after consistency check
soil_output_file_consistent character Name for soil output file after consistency check


Parameter Type Default Unit Description
path_HWSD_index_files character Path to HWSD lookup tables
lookup_table_HWSD character Lookup table to convert soil type index from global to TERRA soil type
HWSD_data character Lookup table for sand, silt, clay, organic carbon, and bulk density (topsoil)
HWSD_data_deep character Lookup table for sand, silt, clay, organic carbon, and bulk density (subsoil)
HWSD_data_extpar character Parameter for development purposes

Freshwater Lake Data

NAMELIST /flake_raw_data/ (INPUT_FLAKE)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_flake_path character Path to flake raw data
raw_data_flake_filename character Filename of flake raw data

NAMELIST /flake_io_extpar/ (INPUT_FLAKE)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
flake_buffer_file character Name for flake buffer file

Albedo Data

DICT input_alb (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_alb_path character Path to raw albedo data
raw_data_alb_filename character Filename of raw albedo data
raw_data_alnid_filename character Filename of raw NIR-albedo data
raw_data_aluvd_filename character Filename of raw UV-albedo data
ialb_type integer Switch to indicate albedo type: 1: total albedo, 2: soil albedo, 3: as 1 without NI and UV fields
alb_buffer_file character Name for albedo buffer file

ISA Data

DICT input_isa (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_isa_path character path to ISA raw data
raw_data_isa_filename character filename of ISA raw data
isa_type integer type of used ISA data source
isa_buffer_file character name for ISA buffer file

AHF Data

DICT input_ahf (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
raw_data_ahf_path character path to AHF raw data
raw_data_ahf_filename character filename of AHF raw data
iahf_type integer type of used AHF data source
ahf_buffer_file character name for AHF buffer file

Emissivity Parameter

DICT input_emiss (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
iemiss_type integer switch to choose between full-range (1) and long-wave (2) emissivity data
raw_data_emiss_path character path to emissivity parameter raw data
raw_data_emiss_filename character filenames of emissivity raw data
emiss_buffer_file character name for emissivity parameter buffer file

ERA Parameter

DICT input_era (

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
iera_type integer type of ERA climatology: ERA5 (1) and ERA-I (2)
raw_data_era_path character path to ERA raw data
raw_data_era_ORO character filenames of ERA ORO raw data
raw_data_era_SD character filenames of ERA SD raw data
raw_data_era_T2M character filenames of ERA T2M raw data
raw_data_era_SST character filenames of ERA SST raw data
era_buffer_file character name for ERA parameter buffer file

Consistency Check

NAMELIST /extpar_consistency_check_io/ (INPUT_CHECK)

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
l_use_array_cache flag F flag indicating whether mmap-caching is used (reduces memory consumption but increases runtime)
netcdf_output_filename character filename for NetCDF output
i_lsm_data integer integer switch to choose if an external land-sea mask is desired (0: no, 1: use external land-sea mask)
land_sea_mask_file character name of the file used as the external land-sea mask
number_special_points integer number of points that should be treated specially (max value: 3, choose 0 if not needed)
lwrite_netcdf logical T flag indicating whether NetCDF output for COSMO grid is desired
tile_mode integer 0 if activated (tile_mode=1), process output for ICON tile structure
lflake_correction logical T if activated, fr_lake values of grid points next to the ocean are set to ocean values, and the lake depth value is set to undefined (default in EXTPAR version 4.0, but not in DWD EXTPAR version 2.10)

NAMELIST /special_points/ (INPUT_SP_1)

Modifications for Falkenberg.

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lon_geo_sp real 14.115 deg east longitude coordinate of the special point
lat_geo_sp real 52.156 deg north latitude coordinate of the special point
soiltype_sp real 3.0 - soil type of the special point
z0_sp real 0.03 m roughness length of the special point
rootdp_sp real 0.6 m rooting depth of the special point
plcovmn_sp real 0.55 1 plant cover minimum of the special point
plcovmx_sp real 0.8 1 plant cover maximum of the special point
laimn_sp real 0.5 1 leaf area index minimum of the special point
laimx_sp real 2.5 1 leaf area index maximum of the special point
for_d_sp real 1 ground fraction covered by deciduous forest at the special point
for_e_sp real 1 ground fraction covered by evergreen forest at the special point
fr_land_sp real 1 fraction land cover of the special point

NAMELIST /special_points/ (INPUT_SP_2)

Modifications for Waldstation.

Parameter Type Default Unit Description
lon_geo_sp real 13.954 deg east longitude coordinate of the special point
lat_geo_sp real 52.186 deg north latitude coordinate of the special point
soiltype_sp real 3.0 - soil type of the special point
z0_sp real 0.78 m roughness length of the special point
rootdp_sp real 0.6 m rooting depth of the special point
plcovmn_sp real 0.79 1 plant cover minimum of the special point
plcovmx_sp real 0.81 1 plant cover maximum of the special point
laimn_sp real 3.0 1 leaf area index minimum of the special point
laimx_sp real 4.0 1 leaf area index maximum of the special point
for_d_sp real 1 ground fraction covered by deciduous forest at the special point
for_e_sp real 1 ground fraction covered by evergreen forest at the special point
fr_land_sp real 1 fraction land cover of the special point