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Python Modules

General Workflow

The general workflow of all Python modules is the same. An exemplary workflow of the Python modules is described below:

At the beginning of the program information about the environment on which EXTPAR is running is written to the logfile and all left-overs from prior executions of the same EXTPAR module are deleted. In a next step each parameter from the namelist is checked for correctness as well as assigned to an internal variable for later use in the program. The specifaction about the target grid is directly read from the Fortan namelist-files INPUT_grid_org. The next step in the modules involves the generation of all necessary meta-data for the buffer files and the write of a namelist files in the style of a Fortran namelist, containing all information needed for the consistency_check at the end. In case of a COSMO target grid, a grid specification file is written, that is later used by CDO for the interpolation.

After this is all setup, the most compute-intensive parts like the remapping to the target grid or data modifications are done using CDO. The Python program launches a subshell executing the CDO in it. The output from CDO is reshaped in order to fit the dimensions of the buffer files. After the reshape, the fields and its corresponding metadata is written to a netCDF buffer file. The last step of the programme again deletes all intermediate netCDF or other files written during runtime, that do not serve any purpose.

Module-specific modifications or additional computations are described in the paragraph Data processing of each Python module.


The namelist contains the Python dictionaries input_alb, input_tclim, input_emiss, input_ndvi, input_ahf, input_isa and input_edgar. These dictionaries replace their corresponding Fortran namelist files INPUT_.

input_alb provides information about the albedo data type and the paths and filenames of the input/output data.

input_tclim contains a switch to determine the type of data (coarse or fine) as well as the paths and filenames of the input/output data.

input_emiss contains a switch to determine the type of emissivity data (full range or long-wave) and the filename and paths of the input/output data.

input_ndvi only provides information about the the path and the filenames of the input/output data.

input_era only provides information about the the path and the filenames of the input/output data.

input_isa contains a switch determine the type of ISA data and provides information about the the path and the filenames of the input/output data.

input_ahf contains a switch determine the type of AHF data and provides information about the the path and the filenames of the input/output data.

input_edgar only provides information about the the path and the filenames of the input/output data.


Short description of the subprogram extpar_alb_to_buffer

The executable extpar_alb_to_buffer allows the aggregation of two different kinds of albedo data to the target grid. The first kind is a climatology of monthly values of total albedo derived from MODIS satellite data for the 3 spectral bands visible, near infrared and ultraviolet. The second kind contains information for soil albedo only in dry and saturated conditions. It originates from the Community Land Model1.

Data processing

The data is remapped to the target grid using the distance-weighted average interpolation. CDO first generates the weights for the interpolation from one of the input files and then applies these weights to all input files. After the interpolation took place, all values in the range of -100000 - 0.02 are set to 0.02 to prevent unrealistic data-points. All other steps in extpar_alb_to_buffer are following the general workflow of the Python scrips.

Used namelist files and data in-/output

  • namelist files: (dict: input_alb), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_ALB

  • data input:,,,

  • data output: buffer file with albedo data (input_alb: alb_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_cru_to_buffer

The executable extpar_cru_to_buffer aggregates the temperature climatology of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) to the target grid. The namelist gives the information of the path and the name of the raw temperature climatology data file. Additionally, the filename for the buffer is provided. There is an integer switch (it_cl_type), which allows the choice between a newer higher resolved data set for land surfaces only (1) and an older coarser raw data set for sea surfaces in combination with the higher resolved data set over land (2). Aggregation of the coarse data set over land surfaces is no longer supported since EXTPAR Version 5.4.

Data processing

The data processing with CDO for it_cl_type = 1 involves 4 steps:

  1. Set seapoints in the data to missing value.

  2. Extract the fields HSURF from the fine data set.

  3. Merge the fields from step 1 and step 2.

  4. Remap data from step 3 to the target grid using distance-weighted average interpolation.

The data processing with CDO for it_cl_type = 2 involves 5 steps:

  1. Convert coarse data from Celsius to Kelvin, calculate yearly mean values and remap coarse data to the grid of the higher resolved data set.

  2. Take landpoints from the fine data set and the seapoints from the data processed in step 1.

  3. Extract surface height from the buffer file of extpar_topo_to_buffer

  4. Smooth data processed in step 2 and remap to target grid using distance-weighted average interpolation.

  5. Correct data processed in step 4 with the surface height extracted in step 3.

All subsequent processing on the data follows the general workflow of the Python scripts.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_tclim), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_TCLIM

  • data input:,,, orography_buffer_file (it_cl_type = 2 only)

  • Output: buffer file with CRU data (input_tclim: t_clim_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_emiss_to_buffer

The executable extpar_emiss_to_buffer aggregates CAMEL (Combined ASTER and MODIS Emissivity for Land) data to the target grid. For the aggregation of the emissivity the namelist provides the path and the file name of the input data. The buffer file name is defined as well. There exists the integer switch (iemiss_type) to determine whether one wants to use the broad band emissivity for the 3.6 and 14.3 micron spectral range (1) or the broad band emissivity between 8.0 and 13.5 micron spectral range (2).

Data processing

After the generation of the interpolation weights artificial low values below 0.5 are set to -999. In a subsequent processing step -999 is set to the value for missing data. In order to not have missing data in the field to interpolate, all missing values are set to the values of its nearest neighbour. The last step involves the first order conservative interpolation to the target grid. After the remapping with CDO two additional fields are computed:

  • EMISS_MAX, the maximum EMISS value over 12 months

  • EMISS_MRAT, the monthly ratio with respect to the maximum EMISS

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_emiss) INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_EMISS

  • data input: CAM_bbe_full_2010-2015ṅc or CAM_bbe_lw_2010-2015ṅc

  • Output: buffer file with CAMEL data (input_emiss: emiss_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_ndvi_to_buffer

The executable extpar_ndvi_to_buffer aggregates NDVI data (Normalized Differential Vegetation Index) to the target grid. The namelist only contains the path and the file name of the raw NDVI data. No other parameters can be set.

For the aggregation of the normalized differential vegetation index the namelist is simple. It contains the path and the filename of the raw data set, as well as the names of the buffer. No other parameters can be set.

Data processing

The remapping to the target grid uses the first order conservative interpolation. After the remapping with CDO two additional fields are computed:

  • NDVI_MAX, the maximum NDVI value over 12 months

  • NDVI_MRAT, the monthly ratio with respect to the maximum NDVI

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_ndvi), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_NDVI

  • data input:

  • Output: buffer file with NDVI data (input_ndvi: ndvi_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_era_to_buffer

The executable extpar_era_to_buffer aggregates ERA data (T2M, SST, W_SNOW and ORO) to the target grid. It replaces the two NetCDF-Files generated by ICON-REMAP at DWD. Note that this executable is for Icon-grids only.

For the aggregation of the ERA climatologies the namelist is simple again. It contains the type of ERA climatology (ERA5 (1) or ERA-I (2)) the path and the filenames of the raw data sets, as well as the names of the buffer. No other parameters can be set.

Data processing

The remapping to the target grid uses the first order conservative interpolation. After the remapping with CDO the field W_SNOW is scaled by a factor 1000. No other processing steps take place.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_era), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_ERA

  • data input:,, and,, and ERA-I_T2M_1986_2015

  • Output: buffer file with ERA data (input_era: era_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_isa_to_buffer

The executable extpar_isa_to_buffer allows the aggregation or interpolation of data on the fraction of impervious surface area needed by TERRA_URB to the target grid.

For the aggregation of the ISA the namelist is simple again. It contains the type of ISA (NOAA (1) or EEA (2)) the path and the filenames of the raw data sets, as well as the names of the buffer. No other parameters can be set. Note that the underlying processing does not differ between different types of ISA

The remapping to the target grid uses the bilinear interpolation. No other processing steps take place.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_isa), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_ISA

  • data input: isa_type=2), (isa_type=1)

  • Output: buffer file with ISA data (input_isa: isa_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_ahf_to_buffer

The executable extpar_ahf_to_buffer allows the aggregation or interpolation of data on the anthropogenic heat flux needed by TERRA_URB to the target grid.

For the aggregation of the AHF the namelist is simple again. It contains the type of AHF (2.5min (1) or 30sec (2)) the path and the filenames of the raw data sets, as well as the names of the buffer. No other parameters can be set. Note that the underlying processing does not differ between different types of AHF

The remapping to the target grid uses the bilinear interpolation. No other processing steps take place.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_ahf), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_COSMO_GRID, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_AHF

  • data input: (ahf_type=1), (ahf_type=2)

  • Output: buffer file with AHF data (input_ahf: ahf_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_edgar_to_buffer

The executable extpar_edgar_to_buffer allows the interpolation of global emission data for black carbon, organic carbon and sulfur dioxide needed for the 2D-Aerosol in ICON to the target grid.

The namelist contains only the path to the raw data, the raw data file names and the name of the buffer file.

The remapping to the target grid uses the first order conservative interpolation. No other processing steps take place.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_edgar), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_edgar

  • data input:,,,,

  • Output: buffer file with EDGAR data (input_edgar: edgar_buffer_file)


Short description of the subprogram extpar_cdnc_to_buffer

The executable extpar_cdnc_to_buffer allows the interpolation of climatology data for cloud droplet number needed for the Cloud-Aerosol in ICON to the target grid.

The namelist contains only the path to the raw data, the raw data file names and the name of the buffer file.

The remapping to the target grid uses the first order conservative interpolation. No other processing steps take place.

Used namelist files and data in-/output:

  • namelists files: (dict: input_cdnc), INPUT_grid_org, INPUT_ICON_GRID

  • generate namelist: INPUT_cdnc

  • data input:

  • Output: buffer file with cloud droplet number data (input_cdnc: cdnc_buffer_file)


    Lawrence, P. J. and T. N. Chase (2007). "Representing a new MODIS consistent land surface in the Community Land Model (CLM 3.0)." Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 112(G1).\ Table 3.3 in: Oleson, K.W., D.M. Lawrence, G.B. Bonan, M.G. Flanner, E. Kluzek, P.J. Lawrence, S. Levis, S.C. Swenson, P.E. Thornton, A. Dai, M. Decker, R. Dickinson, J. Feddema, C.L. Heald, F. Hoffman, J.-F. Lamarque, N. Mahowald, G.-Y. Niu, T. Qian, J. Randerson, S. Running, K. Sakaguchi, A. Slater, R. Stockli, A. Wang, Z.-L. Yang, Xi. Zeng, and Xu. Zeng, 2010: Technical Description of version 4.0 of the Community Land Model (CLM). NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-478+STR, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 257 pp.