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General Information

EXTPAR (External Parameters for Numerical Weather Prediction and Climate Application) is an official software of the COSMO Consortium . It is used to prepare the external parameter data files that are used as input for the COSMO and the ICON model.

The code is written in Fortran 90 and in Python. The Python scripts use CDO (Climate Data Operators) for the most compute-intensive parts. The code is also accelerated in some places with OpenMP parallelization.

Once compiled, the code generates 6 Fortran executables and 9 Python scripts, which can be run simultaneously except for the final extpar_consistency_check.exe, which is used to tie together all the external parameter results into one output file.

Information about the latest changes can be found in the Release Notes on GitHub .

The technical and scientific documentation can be found in the User and Implementation Guide.

Quick Start


The easiest way to use EXTPAR is through the container provided with Dockerfile . A ready-to-use image can be downloaded from C2SM docker hub or even simpler via CLI:

docker pull c2sm/extpar:tagname

Alternatively, an image is provided as an asset of each release


The image provides a wrapper that only requires to set basic options, all other details are handled by the wrapper.

The wrapper needs two different kinds of input:

1. EXTPAR settings as JSON, see official docs

  "extpar": {
    "igrid_type": 1,
    "iaot_type": 1,
    "ilu_type": 1,
    "ialb_type": 1,
    "isoil_type": 1,
    "itopo_type": 1,
    "it_cl_type": 1,
    "iera_type": 1,
    "iemiss_type": 1,
    "enable_edgar": false,
    "enable_cdnc": false,
    "lsgsl": false,
    "lfilter_oro": false,
    "lurban": false,
    "lradtopo": true,
    "radtopo_radius": 40000

2. Execution options

  --input-grid INPUT_GRID
                        COSMO: Fortran Namelist "INPUT_COSMO_GRID", ICON: Icon
                        grid file
  --raw-data-path RAW_DATA_PATH
                        Path to folder "linked_data" of exptar-input-data
  --run-dir RUN_DIR     Folder for running EXTPAR
  --account ACCOUNT     Account for slurm job
  --host HOST           Host
  --no-batch-job        Run jobscript not as batch job

An example call could look like

docker run -v /c2sm-data/extpar-input-data:/data \
           -v /icon-grids:/grid \
           -v /my_local_dir:/work \
           extpar \ 
           python3 -m extpar.WrapExtpar \
           --run-dir /work \
           --raw-data-path /data/linked_data \
           --account none \
           --no-batch-job \
           --host docker \
           --input-grid /grid/ \
           --extpar-config /work/config.json

Below is a more detailed explanation about the mounted volumes:

  • -v /c2sm-data/extpar-input-data:/data: Mounts the input data at /data inside the container. This should be aligned with the --raw-data-path argument.
  • -v /icon-grids:/grid: Mounts a local folder with icon grids under /grid inside the container. This should be aligned with the --input-grid argument.
  • -v /my_local_dir:/work: Mounts a local folder for EXTPAR output at /work inside the container. This should be aligned with the --run-dir argument.

Individual Executables

For those who require a more custom setup of EXTPAR or need settings that are not possible to specify through the wrapper, you can run each executable within the image too. For example:

docker run extpar bash -c "extpar_topo_to_buffer"

Bare Metal Build on Levante

The installation steps are

git clone --recursive
cd extpar
git submodule update
source modules.env
make -j 4

Furthermore copy all the .exe and .py files from bin to the directory in which the namelist and all required input-data is present.

You do then have two choices to run EXTPAR:

  1. configure the PYTHONPATH variable such that it includes to the python/lib folder of the source repository
  2. build and install a python package for your user account

Installing EXTPAR

After you prepared EXTPAR (see above), you have two options to install and run the software.


If you like to run the EXTPAR scripts without installing a package, make sure to have the python/lib folder in your PYTHONPATH variable. You can do this via

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/python/lib

Afterwards you can cd into the bin/ directory and run the corresponding executables, e.g.

cd bin

For more detailed compilation instructions see the Compile and Run section.

Option 2: Build and install a python package

Alternatively you can build a python package and install it to your libraries. This has the advantages that the executables can be ran from anywhere in the system without the need to copy the executables themselves.

To build the package, now run

python sdist

You can then install it via

pip install dist/extpar-*.tar.gz


If you do not have the permissions to install it into the system-wide python library, it will be installed for your user account only (you can also add the --user flag to pip to force this behaviour).

If you did not install extpar into the system libraries, make sure that the bin folder of your local user is on your PATH variable to be able to run the EXTPAR scripts. This is usually done via

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

You can then call the functionalities of via

python -m extpar.WrapExtpar

or import the script in Python via

from extpar.WrapExtpar import generate_external_parameters

Or you call the executable scripts in your run directory, e.g.


Input Data

Data Location

In order to run EXTPAR, input data files for the external parameter variables are needed. The data is provided on all supported machines:


The input data files are also stored in a git-LFS data repository found at: . Instructions to download or update the input data files can be found in this repository. To gain access to the git-LFS input data repository, contact the EXTPAR source code administrator.


The EXTPAR code comes with a technical testsuite to ensure the accuracy of the results. Weekly tests run for compilers:

  • GCC

For more information about how the testsuite can be run or new test added see the Testing section.

Information for Developers

In case you want to contribute to EXTPAR please have a look at our coding rules and development workflow.


In the case of issues or questions, please create an issue on GitHub .