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Quarterly ICON Meeting

We invite C2SM community members to participate in our quarterly C2SM ICON Meeting, which is designed to facilitate knowledge exchange among researchers and users. This regular meeting serves as a forum for the C2SM community to discuss their ongoing projects, share research findings, and collaborate effectively. The meeting also offers an avenue to receive updates on the latest developments in the ICON model from the C2SM Core Team. Moreover, it encourages interactions and collaboration with research groups from ETH Zurich, MeteoSwiss, Empa, and CSCS.

In case you have any questions or suggestions, contact the meeting organiser, Michael Jähn .

C2SM ICON Mailing List

As a member of the c2sm.icon mailing list, you will receive all relevant information around ICON and invitations to the quarterly ICON meeting.

If you or someone from your group is not yet a member of the c2sm.icon mailing list, subscribe by sending an e-mail to: (modify firstname and lastname in the subject).

To check which lists you are subscribed to, send an e-mail to: