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Switching to Alps

As you probably all know the new Alps system is currently being set up at CSCS. With this machine, CSCS introduced major changes, of course in the hardware, but also in the user experience.

Piz Daint being scheduled to be decommissioned at the end of August, we are organizing a workshop to guide our users in this transition on August, 12th from 10:00 to 12:00 at ETHZ in CHN-L17.1 and over zoom at The event will be recorded and the password for online participation will be sent the day before.

We will cover the following:

  • The new Alps system and its virtual clusters
  • How to operate on Alps using the so-called user environments (presentation and demo)
  • integration of uenvs in spack-c2sm with a focus on ICON (presentation and demo)
  • Q&A