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Visual Update

We are pleased to announce that our website has a new design as of today! With this change, we are trying to standardise the documentation we provide to the C2SM community. Although the look has changed, you should be able to find all the necessary information as before, as the general menu structure has been maintained.

Why We Chose Material for MkDocs

For this redesign, we chose Material for MkDocs , a tool that generates modern and responsive documentation pages based on Markdown files. Material for MkDocs is also the tool of choice for CSCS and their documentation pages.

A big advantage of Material for MkDocs is how it helps us keep a consistent style across all our documentation, as we are more efficient when writing documentation and can reuse the configuration, style sheets and quality checkers.

New Features

  • Enable switching between dark and light mode
  • News are managed with the blog feature and appear more prominently in the navigation bar
  • Table of Content now visible for each site on the right side bar
  • Clear distinction between internal and external hyperlinks
  • Replaced Datasets tables with sections and listings
  • The source code is now public (so you can try it out by yourself)

Your Thoughts Matter

Your feedback is crucial for us as we continue to improve. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or thoughts on the new design.