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Supported vClusters

This page is hosting information about C2SM supported vClusters (not all CSCS vClusters).


Connection to vClusters happens as for any other CSCS machine, e.g. ssh with a ProxyJump on A section in the ~/.ssh/config could look as follows:

Host ela
  User cscsusername
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cscs-key

Host santis* daint* 
  User cscsusername
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cscs-key
  ProxyJump ela

Host balfrin* 
  User cscsusername
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/cscs-key
  ProxyJump ela

This allows standard connections like ssh santis, but you can also specify a login node if needed, e.g., ssh santis-ln002. Replace cscsusername with your actual username.


The vCluster santis is dedicated to Climate and Weather applications. It includes the following:

  • EXCLAIM : Project for ICON-based km-scale climate simulations
  • Projects by C2SM community members
  • User lab projects in climate and weather domains


To find and use already existing uenvs from previous todi, you need to prepend the CLUSTER_NAME environment variable to any uenv command.

CLUSTER_NAME=todi uenv image find
uenv activity
icon-wcp/v1:rc4 build and run ICON
netcdf-tools/2024:v1-rc1 pre- and post-processing tools

SLURM Partitions

SLURM partition Default wall time Max. wall time Limitations
normal 01:00:00 24:00:00 -
debug 00:30:00 00:30:00 Single node
xfer 06:00:00 24:00:00 Single node


Daint (Alps) is the vCluster dedicated to the User Lab. It is accessible at

The Climate and Weather Platform (CWP) has the dedicated vCluster santis (see above). User Lab projects in climate and weather domain should be on santis.


As on santis, you can access the uenvs from todi:

CLUSTER_NAME=todi uenv image find
uenv activity
icon-wcp/v1:rc4 build and run ICON
netcdf-tools/2024:v1-rc1 pre- and post-processing tools


The migration of the previous storage from old Piz Daint has been finished in January 2025.
