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Page under construction - last update: 2024-09-06

Information in this page is not yet complete nor final. It will be updated following the progress of

  • the Alps system deployment at CSCS
  • C2SM's adaptation to this new system

The Alps System

Alps is a distributed HPC infrastructure managed by CSCS. Contrary to traditional HPC, it is composed of several logical units called vClusters (versatile clusters). From the users perspective, they play the role of a traditional HPC machine, each vCluster being tailored to the needs of a specific community. This setup also enables geographical distribution of vClusters which facilitates geo-redundancy. The main physical piece of Alps is hosted at CSCS in Lugano and a detailed description can be found at their website .


The following table shows the current plan for the final vClusters distribution on Alps at CSCS (not the current situation).

vCluster Activity Share
Daint User Lab ~ 800 GH nodes
Clariden Machine Learning ~ 800 GH nodes
Santis Weather & Climate ~ 400 GH nodes
Tödi Testing few GH nodes
Eiger multi-core nodes

GH = Grace Hopper

Early Access

For getting access to the vCluster dedicated to testing (Tödi), CSCS offers Preparatory Projects .

Support by CSCS

To contact CSCS staff directly, users can join their dedicated Slack channel .

File Systems


  • /users, /store and /scratch
  • reserved space per vClsuter vs shared space
  • ...

Introductory Workshop Material

As an introduction to the Alps infrastructure, the material of our C2SM workshop "Switching to Alps" from August 12, 2024 is available: