Develop packages

Spack offers several options for package development. Depending on your workflow, one or the other option is preferred.

Environments with Spack develop

Environments sit in a folder with a name and are defined in a spack.yaml file. For more information about environments in general, consider reading the official Spack docs.

Example environment for ICON
# This is a Spack Environment file.
# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
# configuration settings.
  # add package specs to the `specs` list
  - icon@develop%nvhpc +ecrad +rte-rrtmgp +cuda
  - eccodes@2.19.0%nvhpc
  - nvidia-blas%nvhpc
  - nvidia-lapack%nvhpc
  - libxml2@2.9.13%gcc
  view: true
    unify: true
      spec: icon@develop%nvhpc +ecrad +rte-rrtmgp +cuda
      path: ../../../../

The key part of the environments is the develop keyword. This tells Spack to look for a certain spec in path. It is possible to specify multiple packages under develop.

To activate a Spack environment, type

$ spack env activate <path_to_folder_with_spack_yaml>

To install the environment, type

$ spack install

To deactivate a Spack environment, type

$ spack env deactivate

Most of the Spack commands are sensitive to environments, see Spack docs.

Plain dev-build

This is the easiest way to build local sources. Enter the root of your source repository and execute:

$ spack dev-build --until build <package> @<version>

This will build the package as is. The downside of this approach is that you need to go through all phases of a package build.